List of Publications 2021 - Current
Clarke EM, Watters DA. Invited Commentary: “Open or laparoscopic appendectomy in pregnancy?” doi:10.1002/wjs.12438 2024 1-2
Riedel B, Ismail, H, Denehy L, Dubowitz J, Watters D. Transforming Surgical Waiting Lists into Preparation Opportunities: Leveraging Multimodal Prehabilitation to Optimise Surgical Outcomes. doi: 10.1111/ans.19307 RACS Perspective.
Holmes A, Emerson L, Irving L, Tippett E, Pullin J, Young J, Watters DA, Hamilton A. Persistent symptoms after COVID-19: an Australian stratified random health survey on long COVID MJA 271 doi: 10.569/mja2.52473
Watters DA, Emerson L. Long COVID in Victoria MJA 221 doi; 10.5694/mja2.52467
Watters D, Scott D A , Sammour T, Harris B, Ludbrook GL. If the peri-operative patient pathway was right, what would it look like? doi: 10.1111/ans.19179 ANZ J Surg 2024
McGuiness AJ, O’Hely M, Stupart D, Watters D, Dawson SL, Hair C, Berk M, Mohebbi M, Loughman A, Guest G, Jacka F. Prior Appendicectomy and Gut Microbiota Reestablishment in Adults After Bowel Preparation and Colonoscopy. doi: 10.20944/preprints202404.0776.v1 Pre print
McGuiness AJ, O Hely M, Stupart D, Watters D,Dawson SL, Hair C, Berk M, Mohebbi M, Loughman A, Guest G, Jacka F. Depressive Symptoms and Gut Microbiota after Bowel Preparation and Colonoscopy: A Pre-Post Intervention Study. doi:10.20944/preprints202403.0551.v1 Pre print
Leang YJ, Chen R, Shaw K, Watters D, Brown W, Burton P, Analysis of bariatric surgical complications requiring interhospital transfers using a modified Victorian Audit of Surgical Mortality framework. ANZ J Surgery (2024) doi: 10.1111/ans.19196
Sammour T, Watters DA, Harris B, Grocott MPW, Ludbrook GL.. Peri-operative care Summit II: building on the principles and framework identified at Summit !. ANZ J Surg (2024) doi: 10.1111/ans.19015
McClintock S, Stupart D, Hoh S M, Redden A M, Schultz B, Robertson A, Moore E, Pollard J, Guest G, Watters D. Oral versus intravenous antibiotics in the treatment of uncomplicated colonic diverticulitis: results of a randomized non-inferiority control trial. ANZ J Surg (2024)397-403 DOI:10.1111/ans.18768
​Sutherland JR, Watters DA. Assessing organizational culture within healthcare settings implications for training and accreditation. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2024 doi: 10.1111/ans.18863
​Muir M, Baric A, Kumta S, Watters D, Hodgson R. Measuring and reporting theatre utilization efficiency. Oxford University Press on behalf of BJS, 2023, 1-3
​McClintock S, Stupart D, Hoh S M, Redden A M, Schultz B, Robertson A, Moore E, Pollard J, Guest G, Watters D. Oral versus intravenous antibiotics in the treatment of uncomplicated colonic diverticulitis: results of a randomized non-inferiority control trial. ANZ J Surg (2023) DOI:10.1111/ans.18768
Drysdale HRE, Watters DA, Letter to the Editor: Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Readmission Rates Following Colorectal Surgery-A Retrospective Cohort Study. World J Surg. 2023 Sep 1. doi: 10.1007/s00268-023-07159-2. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37658131.
Hoh SM, Watters DA. The Best Stoma in an Emergency. World J Surg Published online: 05 September 2023.
Wynn J, Cole J, Scott S, Koo E. The sternalis muscle an anatomical variant with clinical relevance for the breast reconstructive surgeon. ANZ J Surg (2023) doi;10.1111/ans.18658
Athan E, Watters DA. Hand hygiene: a call to 'all hands on deck'. ANZ J Surg. 2023 Aug 16. doi: 10.1111/ans.18657. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37587660.
Watters D. Inspirational Women in Surgery: Rev Prof Anne Christine Bayley OBE (1934-), Surrey, England. World J Surg. 2023 May 8. Doi;10.1007/s00268-023-07022-4.PMID: 37154905
Qin RX, Stankey M, Jayaram A, Fowler ZG, Yoon S, Watters D, Gelb AW, Park KB. Strategic partnerships to improve surgical care in the Asia-Pacific region: proceedings. BMC Proc. 2023 Jul 25;17 (Suppl 5):11. doi:10.1186/s12919-023-00257-y. PMID: 37488604; PMCID: PMC10367227
Members of the National Institute for Health and Care Research Global Health Research Unit. Underwood K.Reducing the environment impact of surgery on a global scale systematic review and co proritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries. BJS,2023,110, 804-817 doi.og/10.1093/bjs/znad092
Brockman SF, Drysdale HR, Nunn A, Robson S, Udayasiri S, Millard M, Bui A, Stupart DA. Quality of Life in Patients with a Stoma post Spinal Cord Injury. DOI:10.4103/WJCS.WJCS_41_20
Divakaran P, Hong J, Abbas S, Gwini S, Nagra S, Stupart D, Guest G, Watters D. Failure to Rescue in Major Abdominal Surgery: A Regional Australian Experience. Worl J Surg 28 April 2023
Watters D. Supporting Safe Surgery with Simple, Low-Cost Solution. World J Surg
Asgill T, Abbas D. Migrating MiniMizer ring causing mesenteric ischaemia. ANZ J Surg (2023) doi:10.0000/ans.18365
Drysdale HRE, Watters DA, Leang Y, Thomson BNJ, Brown WA, Wilson A, Victorian Surgical Directors Group. Victoria’s surgical response to the COVID-19 pandemic: the first two years. ANZ Journal of Surgery (2023) doi: 10.1111/ans.18311
Baigrie RJ, Stupart D. Coping with anastomotic leaks: harder as one gets older? BJS, 2023, 1-2 Leading Article
Asgill TF, Stupart D. Nosocomial bacterial infections in Victoria decreased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Infection Prevention 2023, Vol.0(0);1-8 doi; 10.1177/17571774231159383
Anandan M, Nguyen GT< Kumaran P, Clifforth SR. Sporotrichosis a rare cause of a forearm ulcer in rural Victoria. 2022 ANZ J Surg doi: 10.0000/ans.17826
R Aitken, David AK Watters. Clearing elective surgery waiting lists after the COVID-19 pandemic cannot be allowed to compromise emergency surgery care. Editorial MJA 217 (5) 5 September 2022
Tippett A, Hitch D, Irving L, Watters D. Post-acute COVID-19 condition (PACC): a perspective on collaborative Australian research imperatives and primary health models of care. Australian journal of Primary Health doi:10.1071/PY22009
Nagra S, Jinnaah SM, et al The POSTVenTT Study Collaborative The management of peri-operative anaemia in patients undergoing major abdominal surgery in Australia and New Zealand: a prospective cohort study.
Med J Aust 2022; doi: 10.5694/mja2.51725 supp
Barnes N, Othman B, Brandt C. Left-sided de Garengeot hernia with acute appendicitis. Doi:10.1111/ans. 17536
Wombwell A, Issa M, Kohli N, Leong M. Laparoscopic approach to the De Garengeot hernia. Doi:10.1111/ans.17927
Watters DA. Better and cheaper by day! Most inguinal herniorrhaphy patients are suitable for day-stay repair regardless of surgical approach. RACS Editorial doi:10.1111/ans.18043
Nagra S, Australia (Australasia Lead) Global Health Research Groupet al. Twelve-month observational study of children with cancer in 41 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMJ Global Health 2022:7:e008797. Doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2022-008797
Eqbal H, Owen A, Guest G, Nagra S. Small bowel resection for ischemia following transcatheter arterial embolization for bleeding jejunal diverticulum: an easily forgotten complication ANZ J Surg (2022) doi:10.1111/ans.108042
Sankpal S, Scott B, Drysdale H, Kotowicz M, Nagra S, Watters DA. Resolution of hypertension following water-clear cell parathyroid adenoma excision .doi: 10.1111/ans.17427
Crebbin W, Guest G, Beasley S, Tobin S, Duvivier R, Watters D. Learning and teaching stage 4 clinical decision making: Progression from novice to expert. ANZJA doi:10.1111/ans. 17955
Barnes N, Drysdale H, Nagra S, Watters DA, Guest GD. How to isolate and manage a colo-atmospheric fistula in a wound requiring negative pressure dressing: a novel technique using a plastic syringe. ANZ J Surg. 2022 Apr:92(4):856-858. Doi:10.1111/ans.17595. Epub 2022 Mar 7
Underwood K, Stupart D, Morgan FH, Scott B, Moxham-Smith R, Moore ME, Friedman D. Can the alcohol withdrawal scale be applied to post-operative patients? ANZ J Surg 92 (2022) 1377-1381 Doi: 10.1111/ans.17334
Chu A, McDonald C, Lau S, Stupart D. Recto-sigmoid intussusception in a 90-year-old lady presenting with colonic obstruction. ANJ J Surg (2022) doi:10.1111/ans.17760 RACS Images for Surgeons
Stupart D, Pickles K, Briggs C. Anatomy of the vesicovaginal fascia and its relation to branches of the inferior hypogastric plexus. Clinical Anatomy DOI: 10.1002/ca.23858
Banal C, Lau S, Nagra S, Watters DAK.Streptococcus gallolyticus Bacteramia and colorectal neoplasia: an old association with a new name MJA doi: 10.5694/mja2.51447
Underwood K, Drysdale H, Nagra S, Guest G, Watters D Recurrent gastro-jejunal intussusception: a call for caution with non-revisional management. ANZ J Surg (2022) doi:10.1111/ans.17561
Underwood KH, Doole E, Breen D, Guest G, Watters D, Moore EM, Nagra S. Tertiary Survey in the Days of Modern Imaging: Assessing the Detection Rate Clinically Significant Injuries on Tertiary Survey in a Level 2 Trauma Centre. doi: 10.7759/cureus.21962
Asgill T, Drysdale HRE, Nagra S, Watters DA, Guest GD. De Garengeot and Amyand: two rare hernia encounters. ANZ Journal of Surgery 2022 doi:10.0000/ans 17488
Watters D. The treble whammy: Road crashes, out of pocket expenses and impoverishment. Elsevier,. Injury 53 (2022) 21–22.
Brown W.A, Ahern S, MacCormick A,D, Reilly J.R, Watters D.A. Clinical quality registries: urgent reform is required to enable best practice and best care. Doi:10.1111/ans.17438 ANZ J Surg (2022)
McGuinness AJ, Davis JA, Dawson SL, Loughman A, Collier F, O’Hely M, Simpson CA, Green J, Marx W, Hair C, Guest G, Mohebbi M, Berk M, Stupart D, Watters D, Jacka Fn.A systematic review of gut microbiota composition in observational studies of major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Mol Psychiatry. 2022 Apr27 (4): 1920-1935. Doi:10.1038/s41380-022-01456-3 Epub 2022 Feb 222 PMID 35194166
Truche P, Watters D, etal. Association between government policy and delays in emergent and elective surgical care during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil: a modeling study. Lancet Reg Health Am. 2021 Nov 3 100056. Doi:10.1016/j.iana.2021.100056. PMID: 34725652
Watters DA, Brown WA. EditorialPromoting good practice before, during and after transfers doi: 10.1111/ans.17744 ANZ Journal of Surgery Vol 92 Issue 6, pp 1297, 2022
Sankpal S, Scott B, Drysdale H, Kotowicz M, Nagra S, Watters D. Resolution of hypertension following water-clear cell parathyroid adenoma excision. RACS doi:10.1111/ans.17427
Watters D A, The treble whammy: Road crashes, out of pocket expenses and impoverishment. Article in Press: Accepted Manuscript
Barnes N,Lau S, Kalogeropoulos G. Large Bowel Obstruction Secondary to Colonic Gallstone Ileus: A Case Report of an Unusual Presentation of Cholecysto-colonic Fistula. ACTA Scientific Clinical Case Reports.
Doole E. A case of pancreatic pseudocyst as a rare cause of lesion within the psoas muscle. Journal of Surgical Case Reports, 2021:11, 1-3
Vaska A, Munn Z, Nagra S, Barker T. Hernioplasty using low cost mesh compared to surgical mesh in low and middle income countries: a systematic review protocol. Doi:10.11124JBISRIR-D-19-00186
Watters D, Foran P, McKinley S, Campbell G. Clearing the air on surgical plume ANZ J Surg (2021) doi:10.1111/ans.17340
Underwood K, Stupart D, Morgan F, Scott B, Moxham-Smith R, Moore E. Can the alcohol withdrawal scale be applied to post-operative patients? Doi: 10.1111/ans.17334 ANZ J Surg (2021)
Lau S, Choy K,Yang T, Heriot A, Warrier S, Guest G, Kong K. Defining the learning curve of transanal total mesorectal excision: a systematic review and meta-analysis. ANZ Journal of Surgery 2021 doi: 10.1111/ans.17262
Anandan M, Kumaran P, Lau S, Breen D, Leong M. Appendiceal intussusception with appendiceal-caecal fistula in aduls caused by acute appendicitis: case report and literature review. ANZ Journal of Surgery doi:10.1111/ans.17218
Watters D, Shrime M, et al. Global surgery, obstetric, and anaesthesia indicator definitions and reporting: An Utstein consensus report PLoS Med. 2021 Aug 20;18(8):e1003749. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1003749. Online ahead of print.PMID: 34415914
COVIDSurg Collaborative and GlobalSurg Collaborative. SARS-CoV-2 infection and venous thromboembolism after surgery: an international prospective cohort study Anaesthesia 2021 doi:10.1111/anae.15563
Underwood K, Drysdale H, Nguyen G, Nagra S. Chronic intestinal psuedo-obstruction and MIDD, a rare cause of acute abdomen implications in emergency surgery BMJ Case Rep 2021;14:e242579. doi:10.1136/bcr-2021-242579
Elliott T, Cha R, Clifford K, Popadich A Nagra S. Safety and outcomes after oesophagectomy in southern New Zealand: a 25 Year audit of a low volume centre. Doi:10.0000/anz.16644. ANZ J Surg91 (2021) 1509-1514
The ANZELA-QI Working Party, Aitken J,Griffiths B, Van Acker J, O’Loughlin E, Fletcher D, Treacy J, Watters D, Babidge W. Two-year outcomes from the Australian and New Zealand Emergency Laparotomy Audit-Quality Improvement pilot Study. Doi; 10.1111/ans.17037
Crebbin W, Guest G, Beasley S, Tobin S, Duvivier R, Watters D. The Influence of experience on how surgeons prepare to perform a procedure. Doi: 10.1111/ans.17019
Dangen J, Hsueh, Y, Lau S, Nagra S, Watters D, Guest G. Live streaming surgery during COVID-19 using a 3D printed camera. Doi:10.1111/ans.16797
Hoh SM, Wahab MYA, Hisham A, Guest GD, Watters DAK. Mapping timely access to emergency and essential surgical services The Malaysian experience doi: 10.111/ans.16986 ANZ Journal of Surgery
Morgan F, Drysdale H, Watters D, Brockman S. Caecal volvulus within the lesser sac: a rare cause of large bowel obstruction. Doi:10.1111/ans.16906 RACS Images For Surgeons
Liao H, Lau S, Drysdale H, Guest G. Fulminant Clostridium Difficile colitis after ileostomy reversal: Case Report and Review of Literature. J Surg Res 2021:4 (1):152-157 DOI: 10.26502/jsr.10020119
Nagra S, Singh S, Kaur B, McCraig E, Tangi V, Guest G Watters D. How is surgery included in the Strategic Health Plans of the pacific, Papua New Guinea and Timor-Leste? ANZ J Surg doi:10.1111/ans.16651 2021
Watters DA. Editorial: Preoperative screening and testing for COVID-19 during Victoria’s second wave. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2021;91:6-8. doi: 10.1111/ans.16465.
Brown W, Moore E, Watters DA. Mortality of patients with Covid-19 who undergo and elective or emergency surgical procedure: a systematic review and meta-analysis. RACS Special Article ANZ Journal of Surgery 91,1-2 33-41 doi:10.1111/ans.16500.
Davies JI, Gelb AW, Gore-Booth J, Martin J, Mellin-Olsen J, Åkerman C, Ameh EA, Biccard BM, Braut GS, Chu K, Derbew M, Ersdal HL, Guzman JM, Hagander L, Haylock-Loor C, Holmer H, Johnson W, Juran S, Kassebaum NJ, Laerdal T, Leather AJ, Lipnick MS, Ljungman D, Makasa EMM, Meara JG, Newton MW, Østergaard D, Reynolds T, Romanzi LJ, Santhirapala V, Shrime MG, Søreide K, Steinholt M, Suzuki E, Varallo JE, Visser GH, Watters D, Weiser TG. Global Surgery, Obstetric, and Anesthesia Indicator Definitions and Reporting: An Utstein Consensus Report. [Preprints 2021, 2021040061] doi: 10.20944/preprints202104.0061.v1.
COVIDSurg Collaborative and GlobalSurg Collaborative. SARS-CoV-2 vaccination modelling for safe surgery to save lives: data from an international prospective cohort study. BJS. 2021:1-8.
Kovoor JG, Scott NA, Tivey DR, Babidge WJ, Scott DA, Beavis VS, Kok J, MacCormick AD, Padbury RTA, Hugh TJ, Hewett PJ, Collinson TG, Maddern GJ, Frydenberg M. Proposed delay for safe surgery after COVID-19. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. 2021.
COVIDSurg Collaborative and GlobalSurg Collaborative. Timing of surgery following SARS-CoV-2 infection: an international prospective cohort study. Anaesthesia. 2021:1-11.
COVIDSurg Collaborative and GlobalSurg Collaborative. Effects of pre-operative isolation on postoperative pulmonary complications after elective surgery: an international prospective cohort study. Anaesthesia 2021 Nov 76(11):1454-1464 doi:10.111/anae.15560 PMID 34371522 Clinical Trial
Drysdale HRE, Downie E, Lau S, Geelong Surgical COVID-19 Response Team, Stupart DA, Page R, Nagra S, Watters DA, Guest GD. Did operating theatre staff understand the COVID-19 guidelines for surgery during Victoria’s second wave? ANZ J Surg. 2021:515-518.
ANZELA-QI Working Party: James Aitken R. Griffiths B. Van Acker J, O’Loughlin E. Fletcher D, Treacy JP, Watters D, Babidge WJ. Two-year outcomes from the Australian and New Zealand Emergency Laparotomy Audit-Quality Improvement pilot study. ANZ J Surg 2021 Dec: 91(12):2575-2582 doi:10.1111/ans.17037 Epub 2021 Jun 28 PMID:34184372